Current Information
Rumson RECognize
All information for Incident Reports can be found under the
"Information" tab "Docs & Links".
Rumson Rec has switched to an online tennis reservation system. Please click here or visit "Tennis Reservations" under the "Information" Tab of our website.
This organization has released a new guide for parents on managing and diagnosing concussions in children. Click here to read more information.
Info on additional town programs
Cub Scouts - Pack 11 (boys and girls ages 5-11): membership@rumsonbsa.org
Scouts BSA - Troop 201 (boys ages 11-17): membership@rumsonbsa.org
Scouts BSA - Troop 628 (girls ages 11-17): membership@rumsonbsa.org
Disclaimer: Events and activities listed in the Around Town section are not sponsored by or affiliated with the Borough of Rumson or Rumson Recreation. Neither the Borough nor Rumson Recreation is involved with the content, programming, staffing or administration of these activities and cannot be held liable in the event of injury. Please use specified contact on the individual flyer for more information on that program.