Girls Lacrosse
Season: Spring
Registration: Winter 2023
Age Groups: 1st - 8th Grade
GIRLS CLINIC, Grades 1 & 2
The Lacrosse Clinic program is a spring program for Rumson and Fair Haven girls who are in first and second grade. This program provides children with an introduction to lacrosse. Children are required to have a stick, goggles and a mouthpiece. This program runs on Saturday mornings, 9am for second grade, 10am for first grade. Every effort is made to avoid conflicts with Baseball or Softball for this age group. Fee: $40.
GIRLS' PROGRAM, Grades 3 & 4
The Girls Lacrosse program is a competitive, inter-town spring program for Rumson and Fair Haven girls in grades 3 & 4. This program provides instruction in the fundamentals of lacrosse. Players are required to have a stick, goggles and mouthpiece. Goalie equipment is provided for the individual goalies.
CHILL LAX, Grades 5-8
Rumson Rec is excited for a new season of Girls Lacrosse with a new format!
Sessions will also feature:
Prizes & Awards
Guest Speakers
This program provides instruction in the fundamentals of lacrosse. Players are required to have a stick, goggles and mouthpiece. Goalie equipment is provided for the individual goalies.
All volunteer coaches and participants in grades 3-8 must establish/renew a US Lacrosse membership, active through June 15 of this year. Note: this is an additional $30 fee payable to US Lacrosse not included in the Recreation registration fee. Rumson Rec will reimburse volunteer coaches for this fee if submitted with a receipt and Municipal Voucher. For US Lacrosse membership go to www.uslacrosse.org.
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