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Rumson Rec COVID Policy

Rumson Recreation COVID-19 Policy Agreement

This is to be completed by a participant's parent/guardian or a coach on behalf of themselves as the start of every season until further notice. 

  • Following current NJ guidance on outdoor sports gatherings ( only players, coaches, refs, two parents per player.

  • Quarantine guidelines:

  • It is the parent's responsibility to call the coach if a player is symptomatic. The coach will then call the Rec. Director who will cancel the next practice/game. Any player showing symptoms should get tested; future practice/games are dependent on the results of the test. If a player tests positive, then the entire team is shut down for 10 days. At the time the practice is canceled, the families of all players will be notified that there was possible exposure, as CDC guidelines recommend quarantine when exposed.

  • Individuals, including coaches, players, and families, should stay home and monitor their health if they are showing COVID-19 symptoms, or who have recently had a close contact with a person with COVID-19.

  • Immediately separate coaches, staff, officials, and athletes with COVID- 19 symptoms at any sports activity. Individuals who have had close contact with a person who has symptoms should be separated and sent home as well and follow CDC guidance for community related exposure.

  • A rec participant who is in a school class that is quarantined, cannot attend practice during the period of class quarantine. Multiple teams may be affected by a class quarantine.


Rumson Recreation Responsibility:

  1. Provide COVID-19 policy agreement to be signed by parents, players, and coaches.

  2. Equip all coaches with extra masks, hand sanitizer, and equipment for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a clean, safe, sports environment.

Coaches' Responsibility:

  1. Inform players and parents of general and sports specific COVID-19 safety protocol.

  2. Wear a mask at all times.

  3. Maintain social distance between players/players, coach/coach, & coach/players.

  4. Provide hand sanitizer & extra masks to players and other coaches.

  5. Provide a designated place for each player's personal items (water, snack, equipment) 6 ft from other players.

  6. Monitor sidelines to ensure spectators are following protocol; remind spectators of protocol.

  7. No huddling during timeouts, before or after the game.

  8. Inform visiting teams of established safety protocols. At away games, inform players and parents of protocols established by
    the home team. If home/away team policies vary, the more stringent of the two policies will be followed.


  9. Label all equipment and personal items.

  10. Keep an attendance roster for practices and games so contact tracing can be done quickly.

Parent & Player Responsibility:

  1. Take child's temperature at home before arriving to the fields if they have a fever of (100.4) or higher, do not attend practice/game and notify the coach.

  2. Wear mask to/from practice, on the sidelines.

  3. Maintain social distance of 6ft. from players, coaches, and parents.

  4. Pick player up immediately at the end of the practice/game.

  5. Use clean, personal equipment, food, beverage, (no sharing) whenever possible. Label all equipment and personal items, including drinks, and snacks.

  6. In the case of carpools to games and practices, face coverings should be worn in the vehicle. Every effort should be made to carpool in pods.

  7. Follow all rules put in place by coaches for a safe practice.

  8. Tell a coach if not feeling well.

Daily Health Screening

Team Health Screening 

Baseball/Softball (1st - 8th Grade) 

  • Refer to your team's 'TeamSnap" Account. Health screenings appear 12 hours prior to a scheduled event (game or practice) for TRLL Teams 

T-Ball - Select Your Team Below 

Rumson Rec Girls Lacrosse 

Select Your Team Below

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